Water cooling a 3D printer is an excellent solution for performance, stability, and high-temperature enclosed chambers. We’ve been supporting water cooling solutions since our beginning and it was time for an update. These improvements are based on users reviews and comments. You will see below a list of new features and explanations, plus some questions we frequently have regarding a cooling solution.
New features
New features

Electroless Nickel Plating
This plating will ensure a proper protection for your liquid cooling system and prevent any galvanic corrosion. You probably have seen this plating everywhere in 3D printing, it has good lubricity, wear resistance, look and corrosion resistance. The reason why it was chosen over anodizing is that the holes are evenly plated. This ensures no galvanic corrosion can happen due to a part of aluminum touching the liquid.

Configurable connections
Configure your input and output orientation using the provided M8 fittings. This will make your tube management a lot easier.

Configurable Tube Size
Choose your barbs’ size and use the best tube size for your 3D Printer. Our fittings are designed to maximize the flow while having a small form factor. They have the same Electroless Nickel plating as the blocks. The o-ring ensures a proper sealing.

Any NEMA17 Motor
Cool any of your motors using our block. The hole pattern is the same as the steppers. Heat will quickly travel through the back bell, the stator steel laminations up to the front bell without any trouble.
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Isn't it heavy to move the block, tubes, and water?
The blocks are made from aluminum and are pretty light. Also, the quantity of water is very very small, so the added mass is pretty negligible compared to the stepper motor and other components. Remember that water is around 3 times less dense than aluminum.
Water Block
What do I need to use your water cooling solutions?
Can I use the motor block with any motor
Any NEMA17 motor will work. Make sure you have longer screws to replace the ones you are removing.
Can I use the DyzEnd block with any hotend
Sadly, this block has been designed for the DyzEnd-X in particular and hasn’t been tested on other types of hotends.
No pricing? Looking for pricing on water cooling products for Emma 17 motors
Peter, please check our store page for pricing and ordering:
Not available anymore? What happened? Link to the store page below doesn’t show any stepper cooling products (the only thing I’m interested in cooling). 110C bed in an enclosure makes for extraordinarily hot steppers…
Hello Matt,
Yes our cooling blocks are still available. This is the product you are looking for to cool your stepper motors: https://dyzedesign.com/shop/liquidcooling/dyzextruder-enp-liquid-cooling-block/
I installed the water cooling block for the hot end and haven’t any jams since. I think its a worthwhile upgrade.
Thanks Brian for the feedback. Liquid cooling is indeed very powerful and stable.
Nickel is as “electroactive” as copper , thus it will cause galvanic corrosion in a water cooling loop were aluminum is present. But corrosion will occur primary on the Aluminum part. So Be sure to chose a coper or nickel plated Heat Sink to go with this part.