webinar 3d printing

Webinar – Increase Your Profitability With High-Flow Material Extrusion 3D Printing

Until recently, 3D printing was primarily used for R&D and prototyping purposes. Nowadays, additive manufacturing is proving to be a real manufacturing solution. Industries are using it for small and large series functional mechanical parts or consumer goods. While one of the most used technologies, material extrusion can still be quite time consuming and expensive. In this webinar, we'll discuss how you can increase your profitability in material extrusion 3d printing using modern state-of-the-art high-flow extrusion systems.
Logo REAL2016

DYZE DESIGN at the REAL2016: thanks to LOJIQ

It is with a lot of enthusiasm that DYZE DESIGN will pursue its 3D printing world’s conquest stopping by San Francisco city, California, next March, for the REAL2016! This unique event gathers under the same roof amateurs, companies and experts […]